Piccolo manuale per cercatori di nuvole

Saturday 22 April 2023 at 5pm

Mabic Library, Via Vittorio Veneto 5 Maranello
By Open Group
Conversing at the Mabic
Piccolo manuale per cercatori di nuvole

Vincenzo Levizzani presents his book “Piccolo manuale per cercatori di nuvole” (Il Saggiatore, 2022)
Observing the clouds around the skies around the world is an exciting adventure: the clouds change their appearance, have different names, take on the strangest shapes, accompanying us wherever we go or hope to arrive. To orient oneself in the endless celestial geographies, however, a guide is indispensable: and it is for this reason that Vincenzo Levizzani, an Italian physicist and one of the leading experts in nephology, decided to create the Small manual for cloud seekers and reveal the secrets of the life of clouds, terrestrial and extraterrestrial, from the highest to the lowest altitudes, and their transformations into rains, storms, fogs.
For further information call 0536/240028 or write to

piccolo manuale


Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
1 °C
Wind: 4 KPH
Humidity: 80 %
Feels like: 1 °C


22 Apr 2023


17:00 - 18:00

