Maranello in Spring

Maranello in Spring 2024 (12th edition)

Two days of celebration with flower market, outdoor shopping, events, food and entertainment

Organized by the Municipality of Maranello and the Maranello Terra del Mito Consortium.


from 10am to 8pm Piazza Libertà (raised area): “Maranello in Fiore” Exhibition and sale of flowers and plants, crafts, garden articles and equipment.

from 2pm to 8pm Piazza Libertà and Via Stradi: “Art and ingenuity market”, traders and stands of local associations.


Mabic Library

FilosoFare”: Two events dedicated to philosophy with children in the Conference Room of the Mabic library organized by the San Carlo Foundation

10.00 am – Workshop for girls/girls aged 4-6 (max 15 participants)

Micromega, the encyclopedic Martian: Taking inspiration from Voltaire’s story Micromega, which imagines the arrival of an extraterrestrial on our planet, we reflect on ourselves and on Earth: who we are, how we live, what is important to us humans.

11.15 am – Workshop for girls/girls aged 7-10 (max 15 participants):

With other eyes: Starting from the myth of the cave told by Plato in the Republic and with the help of optical illusions, we reflect on the importance of a critical observation of the world and attention to our own habits.

5.00 pm – “The spy who fell from the sky”: conference by Giorgio Viola (writer, historian and director of the Fighter’s Museum of Modena). The true story of an event that radically changed the destiny of the world, in the heart of the Cold War.


From Saturday 13 April to Saturday 25 May the following will be available:

A selection of books for adults and children on the garden, seeds, herbs and plants.

La Bancarella, magazines at 50 cents: sale of disused magazines dedicated to gardening and cooking. The proceeds from sales are used for library book purchases.


Enzo Ferrari Auditorium:

3.30 pm Inauguration of the photographic exhibition “On the Road, moments of life” of a street and social genre organized by the Blowup photographic club of Maranello.

Two days of celebration with flower market, outdoor shopping, events, food and entertainment


17 °C
Wind: 4 KPH
Humidity: 68 %
Feels like: 17 °C


13 Apr 2024


10:00 - 20:00


Piazza Libertà
Piazza Libertà, Maranello, MO, Italia

