Maranello+ Lab

Telling our area’s story to today’s new travellers

Maranello+ Lab - Cycle of free webinars

A cycle of online and in-person training sessions for everyone working within the Maranello+ Inter-Municipal District Tourism System, which comprises the Municipalities of Maranello, Fiorano Modenese, Formigine, Prignano sulla Secchia, Montefiorino, Palagano and Frassinoro.

The course aims to assess the area’s experiential potential, innovate the tourism offering and find the best ways of marketing it to attract new travellers. Sessions will include the presentation of case studies, examples of effective public-private synergies and successful territorial marketing strategies.
The course will also focus on the latest tourism market trends, the main communication and web marketing tools, and the social media and their use for promotional purposes.


  • Local producers and other businesses in the Maranello+ municipalities, such as producers of local foods and craft products, hotels and other forms of accommodation, restaurant owners, farms, etc.
  • Owners of sports facilities (riding centres, golf clubs, car/motorbike businesses,…), tourist and environmental guides, arts professionals, associations, museums
  • Tourist office staff, marketing professionals, municipal council members and executives.

Course schedule

  • 17 November – Opening event, in-person
  • 23 NovemberCulture revival: creativity and authenticity for constructing new tourism offerings – Online webinar
  • 25 NovemberNew well-being: getting away from it all, digital detox and revitalisation in natural surroundings for the active tourist – online Webinar
  • 30 NovemberWeb marketing: selling your offering to the digital traveller online – online Webinar
  • 2 December Be social: tools and strategies for an effective social media presence – online Webinar

Register for the course and join the Maranello+ tourism network!

All those working in the sector who attend the webinars gain entry to the Maranello+ network. They are entitled to inclusion in tourist itineraries and marketing materials, and will appear on the project’s web, social and e-commerce channels.

All attendees will also receive a Maranello+ marketing kit comprising a network membership sticker and promotional material on the local area.

Last but not least, everyone attending the opening event will also receive their own choice of:

  • free entry for one person to the Ferrari Museum in Maranello;
  • free participation for one person in guided tour of Spezzano Castle including Fiorano Modenese Ceramics Museum;
  • free participation for one person in guided tour of Formigine Castle;
  • Free entry for one person to Museum of the Republic of Montefiorino and the Italian Resistance.

1. Maranello+ Lab. Opening event

17 November 2021 - MABIC, Maranello

Date: 17 November
Time: 13:45 – 16:00
Duration: 2 h 15 min
Mode of participation: in-person
Location: Lecture Theatre at MABIC – Maranello Biblioteca Cultura

“The pandemic has not only triggered transformational changes; it has also accelerated ongoing trends, so that tourism will never be the same again”

Destination Makers

This first meeting will introduce the cycle of training sessions organised by Space Spa and Destination Makers for the Municipality of Maranello, addressed to all those working in the tourism sector locally.
It will include the presentation of the Maranello+ District territorial marketing projects, the main web and social media communication tools, and the opportunities offered by synergies between public and private players and different production sectors.
The meeting will also provide a survey of the latest trends in the travel sector, discussing examples of innovative marketing and destination management strategies, to encourage those in the industry to adopt a proactive approach based on international best practices for developing tourism within a specific area.

Meeting agenda

  • 13:45 – Registration
  • 14:00 – Formal opening of proceedings by Luigi Zironi, Mayor of Maranello
  • 14:10 – Maranello+ and the Bologna-Modena tourism destination, by Mariaelena Mililli, Councillor for Tourism and Territorial Marketing, Municipality of Maranello
  • 14:30 – The Maranello+ Lab training course: schedule, aims and opportunities of the public-private network by Benedetta Masolini, Head of Marketing and Communication, Space Spa
  • 15:10 – Motivational talk on the future of tourism by Simona Polli, Destination Marketing & Experience Design Specialist, Destination Makers
  • 15:45Question and answer session.

Everyone attending the opening event will also receive their own choice of:

  • free entry for one person to the Ferrari Museum in Maranello;
  • free participation for one person in guided tour of Spezzano Castle including Fiorano Modenese Ceramics Museum;
  • free participation for one person in guided tour of Formigine Castle;
  • Free entry for one person to Museum of the Republic of Montefiorino and the Italian Resistance.

2. Online webinar cycle

Registration is for the entire webinar cycle, as participants are strongly advised to follow the complete training course.
There is no charge and participants can specify on registration which webinars are of interest to them.
Everyone registering for the webinars will subsequently also have access to the course materials provided by the lecturers.

Culture revival: creativity and authenticity for constructing new tourism offerings

Online webinar

Date: 23 November 2021
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Duration: 2h including final Q&A session
Mode of participation: online via Zoom
Speaker: Simona Polli – Destination Marketing & Experience Design Specialist, Destination Makers

Imagining the future of travel, firmly rooted in the present.

To take a critical look at the future that awaits us and the main trends that will shape it, we first need to examine the present.

Destination Makers

Starting from new travellers’ evolving needs and analysing how national and international destinations are responding, this webinar examines two important trends affecting the current travel market:

  1. creativity as a strategic tool for constructing innovative cultural offerings;
  2. food and wine as a reason for visiting, to attract travellers who enjoy exploring an area through its food.

The webinar surveys good practices and successful projects to inspire the creation of new visitor experiences that make creative use of the territory’s culture, in a way that responds to the latest tourism industry trends.

New well-being: outdoor experiences for the active tourist, focused on getting away from it all, digital detox and revitalisation in natural surroundings

Online webinar

Date: 25 November 2021
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Duration: 2h including final Q&A session
Mode of participation: online via Zoom
Speaker: Simona Polli – Destination Marketing & Experience Design Specialist, Destination Makers

“The need for contact with nature has been strengthened by the pandemic, which has revealed the importance of dedicating quality time to ourselves and of contact with pristine environments, through both regenerative relaxing experiences and adrenaline-packed activities in which we challenge ourselves to overcome our fears.”

Destination Makers

The examination of the most important travel industry trends continues with the analysis of successful tourism offerings that respond to travellers’ growing need – accentuated by the pandemic and lockdowns – to recharge their batteries in natural surroundings, log off from the digital world and seek out experiences that reinforce their mental and physical health.
The session will focus on two themes in particular:

  1. the new well-being, meaning the creation of experiences involving relaxation and a reconnection to nature, to reduce stress levels and restore energy;
  2. active tourism, with the creation of adrenaline-packed experiences for outdoor sports and adventure lovers.

Web marketing: selling your offering to the digital traveller online

Online webinar

Date: 30 November 2021
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Duration: 2h including final Q&A session
Mode of participation: online via Zoom
Speaker: Amina De Biasio – Destination Marketing & Management Executive, Destination Makers

“Nowadays, the web is more central to brand identity than ever before. Being on the web is essential, but it is no less important to ensure that this presence is effective and constant through all phases in the Customer Journey.”

Destination Makers

Starting from national and international case studies in the marketing of destinations, tourism businesses and experiences, this webinar will present the main tools and strategies for selling the territorial offering to the digital tourist by analysing the Customer Journey, from the wish and discovery phase to post-trip.

Specifically, a number of key topics will be considered, including:

  • Online reputation and digital PR, for optimal management of digital relations with guests;
  • OTA and online sales channels, for promoting and selling the hospitality and experiential offering;
  • Digital travel media, for targeted destination storytelling;
  • Newsletters, to build quality links with actual and potential guests.

Be social: tools and strategies for an effective social media presence

Online webinar

Date: 2 December 2021
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Duration: 2h including final Q&A session
Mode of participation: online
Speaker: Jacopo Secchi, Marketing Communications Manager & Digital Strategist

Every day I wake up and I realise I have to run faster than any algorithm…

Jacopo Secchi

First steps for managing your business’s Facebook and Instagram pages: techniques, tools and ideas for effective social media communication.

Focusing in particular on:

  • the most useful page management tools;
  • successful industry case histories as a source of inspiration;
  • examples suggested by the participants during the webinar.


Simona Polli

Destination Marketing & Experience Design Specialist, Destination Makers

Laureata in Scienze Linguistiche per la Comunicazione d’Impresa e Management Turistico, lavoro da sempre nel mondo del turismo dove ho maturato esperienze nel settore dell’ospitalità, dell’ informazione e accoglienza turistica, dell’organizzazione di viaggi presso Tour Operator sia italiani che esteri, oltre che lavorare come accompagnatrice turistica.

Negli ultimi 10 anni mi sono dedicata alla promozione del mio territorio occupandomi di sviluppo di prodotti turistici esperienziali e di turismo responsabile, con particolare attenzione al settore outdoor, in collaborazione con Enti e operatori turistici.

Amo il trekking e la cucina locale, e sono sempre alla ricerca dei luoghi meno conosciuti e autentici.

Per Destination Makers mi occupo di workshop di co-progettazione strategica di destinazioni “minori”, webinar di formazione sui trend turistici e workshop di co-creazione di offerta turistica innovativa e di valore.

Simona Polli

Amina De Biasio

Destination Marketing & Management Executive, Destination Makers

Da sempre grande appassionata di digitale, comunicazione e turismo, mi occupo per Destination Makers della comunicazione online e offline, dell’implementazione e del monitoraggio degli output delle strategie e delle campagne di marketing territoriale.

Sono nata e cresciuta sulle Dolomiti del Veneto, dove ho iniziato giovanissima il mio percorso professionale lavorando nel campo dell’ospitalità, della ristorazione e dell’informazione turistica per poi appassionarmi alle dinamiche di promozione dei territori, soprattutto applicate al mondo del web, conseguendo riconoscimenti nazionali per la comunicazione turistica sui social media.

Ho preso parte, nel 2019, alla creazione e all’organizzazione della campagna di destination marketing di successo internazionale “Recharge in Nature” come membro del team locale.

Quando non lavoro mi dedico alla lettura, alla scrittura e ai telefilm americani.

Ah, non ho detto che amo viaggiare. Chi non ama farlo?

Amina De Biasio

Jacopo Secchi

Marketing Communications Manager & Digital Strategist

Nato nel 1989 con un piede a Modena e l’altro a Londra, da oltre 10 anni opero nel settore del marketing, della comunicazione e degli eventi.

Sono un Marketing Communications Manager, anche se preferisco propormi come un artigiano di esperienze e fabbricante di emozioni.

Credo fermamente nel potere delle parole e nella curiosità di chi esplora il mondo con nuovi occhi. Per questo mi sono specializzato nei new media e nel digital storytelling, facendo delle mie più grandi passioni – l’outdoor, gli action sport e i viaggi – un mestiere.

Non sono uno sportivo professionista e non mi definisco un fotografo, ma amo documentare le mie avventure e quelle che gli altri mi commissionano.

Maranelloplus Lab

Per informazioni:

