Home / Ivano Biolchini
With Ivano Biolchini we talk about the rural landscape, the “rezdore” or great family cooks of the past and “zuppa inglese” dessert.
Vice President of “Maranello Tipico”, the committee founded in 2010 to promote the typical speciality foods of the area, which operates throughout the district by organising festivals to publicise and market the local food and wine tradition.
Municipality of Maranello
Piazza Libertà, 33
41053 – Maranello (Modena)
Phone +39 0536 240 011
Fax +39 0536 942 263
IAT – Tourist Office at the
Ferrari Museum
Via Dino Ferrari, 43
41053 – Maranello (Modena)
Phone +39 0536 073036
Open every day except January 1st and December 25th
Opening times:
from April to October from 9:30am to 6:15pm
from November to March from 9:30am to 5:15pm